The JCI Day is the anniversary date of JCI.

Throughout the 1990’s, JCI and its long-time partner the United Nations organized JCI Day annually on/around December 11th at the UN to educate young people on global challenges and how their history of cooperation can inspire local collaborations.

JCI Day 2023

This year, we celebrate our day on December 10th 2023 in Brussel with 3 keynotes in 3 languages, to provide the necessary input you deserve as a JCI member.

  • LocationMundo Madou, Brussels
  • Date: December 10th 2023

Time Table

  • 13:30h: welcome
  • 14:00h: Keynote Els Van Laecke (ENG): Power of Trust
  • 14:45h: Keynote Carine Vanhaeckendover (FR): JCI – Se connaître pour impacter le monde
  • 15:30h: Keynote Torben Gering (NL): De kracht van onderhandelen
  • 16:15h: Walk and transfer to Christmas Market Brussels (incl. visit Manneke Pis)


  • JCI Members: 10 euros,
  • First 35 JCI members who register: free entrance
  • Senator, past member or non JCI member: 15 euros,
  • No show fee: 25 euros,

Registrations are closed

Keynote Els Van Laecke (ENG): Power of Trust

Els Van Laecke

Els Van Laecke (40) is a self-made woman who has co-created several successful businesses while working online 70% of the time, allowing her to have ample quality time with her family.

Today, the Els Van Laecke Breakthrough Academy boasts a team of nine world-class coaches.

With her straightforward, no-nonsense approach and high energy, coachees sometimes describe Els as the Flemish equivalent of Tony Robbins.

She doesn’t shy away from this comparison – it might be atypical for someone from Flanders, but Els firmly believes in not limiting oneself, embracing financial success, and recognizing that entrepreneurs must be commercially savvy to help others.

She also emphasizes the importance of having a generous attitude (there’s enough for everyone), maintaining a positive outlook, and living with joy as the default mode.

With her brand-new Play Big Tribe program, she is focused on supporting impatient entrepreneurs who are eager to make progress in their businesses.


Keynote Carine Vanhaeckendover (FR): JCI - Se connaître pour impacter le monde

Carine Vanhaeckendover

Business coach spécialisée en organisation et management, carineV vise le plaisir, la sérénité et l’efficacité.

Après 10 ans comme manager dans un groupe d’entreprises actif dans les secteurs de l’immobilier, de la construction et de l’agroalimentaire, elle se forme comme coach ICF, à la systémique et devient maître praticien PNL.

Elle crée son propre cabinet de coaching en 2018 pour accompagner les entrepreneurs à structurer et développer leurs projets.
Ce bagage polyvalent lui permet de s’adapter facilement à tout type d’activité et d’avoir une vision d’ensemble des challenges que doit surmonter une entreprise. carineV est membre JCI depuis 2020 où elle s’investit pour sa section locale, mais aussi intensément en tant que formatrice.

En plus de donner régulièrement des formations sur les thématiques du management, du développement personnel et de l’organisation, elle a récemment pris le poste de directrice de l’EDF.

Keynote Torben Gering (NL): De Kracht van Onderhandelen

Torben Gering

Torben is an attorney and a recognized mediator at the Brussels Bar. As a lawyer, he places great emphasis on considering the human aspect in conflict resolution. This is why he has chosen to be part of a law firm whose motto is “the art of negotiation,” with a primary focus on conflict resolution through mediation. Torben has also co-authored a book on negotiation titled “The Power of Negotiation.” Active in Various Associations Outside of his professional life,

Torben is actively involved in numerous associations. He serves as a member of the Executive Committee at Jong N-VA and holds positions in the national party board as well as the Executive Board of Leuven. In short, he is a political enthusiast. Furthermore, he volunteers for several legal associations, such as the Vlaams Pleitgenootschap and the JABkes (Young Lawyers Brussels). Within JCI Leuven, Torben serves as the secretary of JCI Leuven, the committee director of Committee 4US, secretary of the Vlaams-Brabant Young Entrepreneur, and the District Manager for Vlaams Brabant.

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Developing leaders for a changing world